With a few minutes to do some scouting today before a guide trip, had a great opportunity at three steelhead and landing two in the boat after fishing one hole.
Since early October steelhead fishing on the Muskegon River this fall has been very strong with several strikes through out the day. Although no one can predict how many fish will enter the river system with certainty; we can say with good certainty there are a large number of steelhead in the river system right now and should only get better as we progress into prime fall steelhead dates of November and December.
Recent years past with warm fall weather (like this fall) prime fall steelhead fishing hasn’t started until late November early December when we finally receive a good amount of precipitation to raise the water levels followed by colder weather patterns. This fall of 2016 is no different. With low pushes of water and warm water temps all the way through October, late November and early December should lead to prime fall steelhead fishing on the Muskegon river. This recent push of rain/water mixed with cooler weather temps is just what’s needed to bring more steelhead up.
Excellent fall steelhead dates are available. Book Now with us for some excellent opportunities at some great Muskegon River fall steelhead!
post by: jon fortuna