Here’s Ron and his brother John from Michigan taking full advantage of Johns birthday gift to his brother, as Ron holds his first of many steelhead from the day including an 18lb 34″ monster Ron puts in the boat pictured below.

Sometimes the smaller steelhead fight the hardest and this was definitely the case with this scrappy buck John landed. Great fight!

No better feeling than to feel that tug on the first cast of the day! “The tug is the drug” as John soon found out.

Although the numbers of steelhead are not as strong as years past the ones that are here are massive! Evidence of the double stripe mature buck Ron landed here.

With several opportunities at some great steelhead the birthday seemed a success as both John and his brother landed fish all day long.

Here’s Ron with the best of the day, 18lbs and 34 inches of twisted crimson red steel! This massive double stripe buck was Ron’s first ever steelhead on a fly rod. Congratulations on such a nice steelhead Ron! Welcome to the steelhead club! Now you know why….”The Tug Is The Drug!”
Water conditions remain strong holding above 3000 cfs flows with a light stain. The cold spell this weekend leading into next week will extend the steelhead run and offer up some nice fishing opportunities in the weeks to come.
post by: Jon Fortuna