Category Archives: Fall Steelhead Fishing Muskegon River In Michigan

Crystal Chrome Steelhead Dreams!

Crystal Chrome Steelhead Dreams!

Here’s Dan from Big Rapids, MI with his first ever Muskegon river fall steelhead that smashed his fly on the retrieve.  Congrats Dan, welcome to the Muskegon River Silver Bullet Club! Steelhead numbers are increasing as the salmon run starts to dwindle down.  Steelhead can be found throughout the river system in fast, medium, and… Continue Reading

Every Fall Has A Chrome Lining!

Every Fall Has A Chrome Lining!

Here’s Bob from Madison, WI with an absolutely beautiful Muskegon river fall steelhead. With the salmon run in full swing the large rainbow, browns, and steelhead are feeding in and around all the spawning areas making for some very exciting fall fly fishing on the Muskegon river.  You never know what you’ll get! More steelhead… Continue Reading

Book Your Fall Fishing Trip Now On The Muskegon River!

Book Your Fall Fishing Trip Now On The Muskegon River!

Fall is an absolutely beautiful time of year to fish the Muskegon river here in Michigan.  The annual migration of king salmon start to enter the river system and along with it the fall steelhead and lake run browns follow suite up river in search of salmon roe discharged from actively spawning king salmon. Trout… Continue Reading

Sweet November Steel!

Sweet November Steel!

Here’s my great friend and client George from Chicago with a beautifully chromed out fall steelhead from the Muskegon river. More fall steelhead continue to enter the river system.  Water levels are good but temps are above average for this time of year.  Next weeks cold weather is exactly what’s needed to convince more steelhead… Continue Reading

Fall Steelhead!

Fall Steelhead!

Here’s my good friend John from Chicago with a beautiful fall steelhead from the Muskegon river.  Great job John.  Incredible fight! The king salmon run is in full swing with incredible numbers not seen in 10 years on the Muskegon river.  With the heavy concentration of king salmon throughout the river system has brought up… Continue Reading

Fall Fishing On The Muskegon River!

Fall Fishing On The Muskegon River!

Fall is an absolutely beautiful time of year to fish the Muskegon river here in Michigan.  The annual migration of king salmon start to enter the river system and along with it the fall steelhead and lake run browns follow suite up river in search of salmon roe discharged from actively spawning king salmon. Trout… Continue Reading

Michigan Fall Steelhead!

Michigan Fall Steelhead!

Nothing beats that first tug from a fall steelhead on the Muskegon river!  Here’s my new friends Andrew & Pops from Mona Shores, MI with Andy’s first fall steelhead from the Muskegon river. Easy to tell Andy’s steelhead was no planter.  No clip fin marks on this silver bullet!  100% natural Muskegon river finest reproduction… Continue Reading

One Cast Keys Strikes Again!

One Cast Keys Strikes Again!

Here’s the famous Greg “One Cast Keys” from Big Rapids, MI with a chromed out Muskegon river steelhead.   Greg is known for hooking nice steelhead within the first cast and here he goes again with hooking and landing this fall steelhead on the very first cast in the first spot we tried this morning. More… Continue Reading

It’s Not The Size Of The Fish In The Fight. It’s The Size Of Fight In The Fish!

It’s Not The Size Of The Fish In The Fight. It’s The Size Of Fight In The Fish!

Here’s Kurt from Michigan proving it’s not the size of the fish as much as it’s the size of fight in the fish that makes all the difference. Kurt’s skipper fought just as hard as any full grown steelhead with several acrobatic leaps and blistering drag streaming runs only fall steelhead can produce. Pound for… Continue Reading

Pictures Tell The Story!

Pictures Tell The Story!

Here’s Stephen taking a seat with this absolute monster king salmon from the Muskegon river weighing in at well over 30 pounds is an understatement.  Just look at it.  To describe the fight as an “Epic Battle” would not be doing justice to this King!  Absolutely incredible.  Congrats Stephen!  Very well deserved!   Colder weather… Continue Reading