Category Archives: Muskegon River Steelhead Guide

Muskegon River Fall Steelhead!

Muskegon River Fall Steelhead!

Here’s Connor from California with his first ever Muskegon river fall steelhead.  Nothing beats the pull of your first Muskegon river fall steelhead and Connors was a beauty tipping the boga grips at 14 pounds and 25-inches.  Congrats Connor!  Welcome to the Twisted Chrome Fall Steel Club! Despite the low clear water with direct sunlight,… Continue Reading

Don’t Stop Believin’!!

Don’t Stop Believin’!!

Here’s one of the best from Western Michigan, please meet Jeff with what can only be described as a very large Muskegon river steelhead!  Tipping the bogas over 19lb’s and 35-inches of twisted chrome steel.  Jeff not only got this cow to feed, he swung her out of a massive log jam, and dropped back… Continue Reading

Brother Ben!

Brother Ben!

Here’s my brother Ben from La Cresent, Minnesota with a monstrous chromed out steelhead from the Muskegon river. Ben with a matching monstrous buck from the Muskegon.  Very likely the “alpha male” that was paired along side the big female steelhead Ben landed pictured above. Here’s Ben with another chromed out hen brought to the… Continue Reading

Bright As Chrome!

Bright As Chrome!

Here’s Jeff from Chicago with a chrome steelhead so bright he had to wear sunglasses! Jeff with a hard fighting buck that took him into the backing on his fly reel in seconds! Fresh chrome hens continue to enter the river systems keeping the big bucks around. Steelhead remain in the river system in pockets. … Continue Reading

Sweet Spring Chrome Steel!

Sweet Spring Chrome Steel!

Here’s Ruth from Northern, MI with a beautiful crystal chrome Muskegon river steelhead!  With years of fly fishing the Au Sable River in Michigan Ruth decided to try steelhead fishing a try on the Muskegon river and try she did bringing this gorgeous 17lb steelhead to the net.  Congratulations Ruth! Steelhead remain in the river… Continue Reading

Meet The Gunslingers!

Meet The Gunslingers!

Please meet the “Gunslingers.”  Matt pictured left, Bobby on the right, and Jimmy in the middle holding his first ever Muskegon river steelhead that just happened to weigh in at 18lbs on the Boga’s and 33″ of pure twisted crimson red steel!  Congrats Jimmy!  Great job landing that beast!! Jimmy’s beautiful mature double stripe buck… Continue Reading

Getting That Itch? That Itch for Spring Steelhead!

Getting That Itch?  That Itch for Spring Steelhead!

Never gets old.  That pure adrenalin rush you get from hooking the hardest fighting fresh water game fish in North America.  And not to mention doing it on one of the best steelhead rivers in North America. A certain percentage of female steelhead make their way up the Muskegon river system seeking food and refuge… Continue Reading

January & February Produce Some Of The Largest Steelhead Of The Year On The Muskegon River!

January & February Produce Some Of The Largest Steelhead Of The Year On The Muskegon River!

Year after year for the past 25 years guiding the Muskegon river has always produced massive steelhead during the dead of winter in January and February, and today was no different. Not sure what triggers these adult steelhead to come up river in the coldest months of the year but they do every year. This… Continue Reading

May Your Holidays Be Filled with Big Bows & Killer Browns! Happy Holidays from Fly Fire!!

May Your Holidays Be Filled with Big Bows & Killer Browns!  Happy Holidays from Fly Fire!!

Here’s Jim from Ft. Wayne, IN with a big & beautiful naturally reproduced Muskegon river rainbow trout! Jim with one of several nice brown trout brought to the boat throughout the day.  From the beginning of September to now, the trout fishing on the Muskegon river has been incredible.  Never seen so many big trout… Continue Reading

Steelhead Dreams!

Steelhead Dreams!

Here’s Bob from Madison, WI with an absolute wall-hanger of a Muskegon river steelhead!  The girth on this monster steelhead was incredible.  Largest steelhead of the spring brought to the boat.  Congrats Bob on this 20 pound steelhead! Continue Reading