Category Archives: Muskegon river fly fishing charter

Complete Your Drift With Dry Flies For Trout!

Complete Your Drift With Dry Flies For Trout!

Here’s a beautiful Muskegon river brown trout that absolutely smashed my caddis dry fly submerged under the water column on the swing.  This brown trout struck my dry fly submerged under the water column just as my fly line straightened out behind me and I started to retrieve the fly at the terminal end of… Continue Reading

Make The Trout See Your Fly Fall!

Make The Trout See Your Fly Fall!

Here’s a gorgeously colored Muskegon river brown trout that absolutely smashed my new Gray Drake dry fly pattern as it gently fell to the water just in front of his face in his feeding lane. In the last blog we discussed how to target rising trout and time their intervals between rises to improve your… Continue Reading

Time The Rise!

Time The Rise!

Here he is!  The man, the myth, the legend!  Bert from Rodney, MI holding a beautiful Muskegon river brown trout that absolutely smashed a dry fly! What makes dry fly fishing for trout on the Muskegon so much fun?  It’s targeting and timing the rises!  More times than not, trout will go into a feeding… Continue Reading

Dry Flying For Bows & Browns!

Dry Flying For Bows & Browns!

Here’s my new friend Mike from Rockford, MI wet wadding in style with a nice Muskegon river brown trout that smashed his dry fly! Mike with a very healthy Muskegon river rainbow trout gorging on flies top water struck Mike’s dry fly with a vengeance!  Great hook-set Mike! Dry fly fishing for trout has been… Continue Reading

Got Trout?

Got Trout?

Dry fly fishing for trout has been on fire past few weeks with caddis, cahills, blue wing olives, and drake hatches taking center stage.  The low clear water is causing the trout to look up more than ever as the red tail sucker spawn has come to an end. The hotter air temps are raising… Continue Reading

Steelhead Dreams!

Steelhead Dreams!

Here’s Bob from Madison, WI with an absolute wall-hanger of a Muskegon river steelhead!  The girth on this monster steelhead was incredible.  Largest steelhead of the spring brought to the boat.  Congrats Bob on this 20 pound steelhead! Continue Reading

You Never Forget Your First!

You Never Forget Your First!

You never forget your first steelhead on a fly rod and especially when your first just happens to be 34-inches of twisted crimson red steel tipping the Boga grips at 19 pounds! Congrats Ethan!  Well done.  Incredible fight! Okay.  So, you want to learn steelhead fishing with a fly rod?  Cast here, tight line going… Continue Reading

El Pappo! El Guapo!

El Pappo! El Guapo!

Wanna give a special thanks out to my Dad for all the support and referral business he set up for me way back when to get my guide service off the ground years ago.  I couldn’t have done it without you Dad.  Truly appreciate all you’ve done for me to get my guide business to… Continue Reading

14 Pound Muskegon River Walleye!

14 Pound Muskegon River Walleye!

Here’s Bob holding one the largest walleye I’ve ever seen!  14 Pounds on the Boga grips and in excess of 30-Inches.  Incredible walleye!  Congrats Bob! Bob landed this massive walleye by mistake fly fishing for steelhead on the Muskegon river. Steelhead can be found throughout the river.  Large rainbows and brown trout are feeding heavily… Continue Reading

20 Pounds 37-Inches Of Twisted Red Steel!

20 Pounds 37-Inches Of Twisted Red Steel!

Here’s my long time friend and client Todd from Colorado with what can only be described as an massive Muskegon River steelhead.  This steelhead had both the incredible 37″ length and girth with massive shoulders thick of muscle.  Incredible steelhead Todd!  Congrats my friend!! Steelhead can be found throughout the river.  Large rainbows and brown… Continue Reading