It’s surly not getting old; the brown trout fishing on the Muskegon river just keeps getting better and better! Never seen so many nice river browns brought to the net in the past year. Whether it be dry flies during the drake or caddis hatch, C&D egg flies behind redds, nymph fishing, stripping streamers, you name it and can bet the possibility of a world-class river brown seeking and destroying your fly presentation at any time on the Muskegon is a very strong possibility! Usually attacking when you least expect it!
I’ve said it before and continue to be amazed ever since the DNR raised the minimum catch size to 15-inches years ago the native brown trout population on the Muskegon river is growing in both size and epic numbers.
Days of the one in a life time 20-inch river brown on the Muskegon is over. The brown trout population and size on the Muskegon is so much better now. The new bench mark is being set at 22-inches pushing all the way up to 30+ inches! The Muskegon is an absolutely amazing brown trout river system that just keeps getting better!
post by: jon fortuna