Here’s Andrew from Spring Lake with an absolutely massive Muskegon river king salmon taken on a swung fly through a deep pool. Andrew has caught king salmon before but nothing this big and never on a fly rod. First ever on a fly rod. Great job Andrew! Incredible king!!

Here’s Jay (fishing guide out of Montana) picking up the technique quickly of swinging flies through the deep staging area pools hooking and landing his first king first cast of the day! Nice job Jay!

Not to be outdone here’s Mark (Andrew’s Dad) with his first ever Muskegon river king salmon hooked swinging flies through the deep pools. Mark’s king fought like hell with aerobatic leaps, drag screeching pulls and everything in between. Congrats Mark! Welcome to the club.

We got Jay to smile in this photo with another king. If you’ve never fought these kings on light weight fly rods just as they just come in from Lake Michigan you are missing out and have to give it a try! These kings are fresh and have all the power to take your fly reel 100 feet into its backing in a blink of an eye. Incredible fights!

Good numbers of king salmon continue to enter the river system making their way into staging areas as the females wait for their eggs to develop and water temps to drop triggering them to make their way to shallow water gravel spawning areas. The stage is being set for an excellent fall salmon and steelhead season on the Muskegon river!
post by: jon fortuna