Ever since this past fall leading into winter the steelhead fishing has been and continues to be incredible on the Muskegon River! Repeated numbers of steelhead are showing up throughout the river system, numbers we haven’t seen in a long time on the Muskegon.
Reminds me of the old days years ago with double digit hook-ups within four hours of fishing. It’s amazing to see because despite the low, warm, clear water back in October we’ve hooked and landed substantial amounts of steelhead we’ve not had in a long time.
Seems the recent increased steelhead stocking programs and the (1) fish limits the DNR implemented a couple years ago on the Muskegon are starting to pay off!
Water levels have recently come up to normal levels for this time of year and happy to report strong numbers of steelhead can be found throughout the river system with the vast majority of steelhead being very fresh, very strong, bright chrome!
post by: jon fortuna