Please meet Marc from Kalamazoo, MI holding a really “thick” Muskegon river steelhead. Marc cut his teeth wade fishing the Muskegon River for years taking that occasional scary dip in the river wading out a little too far.

Marco told me during his time wade fishing the Muskegon, he always wanted to hire a guide and fish from a boat to see what it’s like. Well Marc was off to a great start this morning bringing this beautiful 14lb silver spring buck to the boat first fish of the day. Congrats Marc!

Here’s Marc “getting the hang of it” with another beautiful chromer that absolutely smashed his fly mid-way through his drift.

Here’s Marc with a beautiful chrome hen that looks very close to starting the spring spawning process.

The Muskegon River is off to a good start with a good amount of winter hold-over steelhead from last fall’s incredible fall run and good numbers of bright chrome steelhead that just entered the river system to begin that spring run process.
Water levels are low for this time of year hovering around 2400cfs with mid to cool water temps going up and down daily with the cold fronts keeping the water temps right around that 39-degree point. All that’s needed is a push of water and some warmer air temps during the evening to really kick start the spring steelhead run on the Muskegon River! Stay tuned!!
post by: jon fortuna