Here’s my new friends from Howell, MI. 6-year old Ella with Dad helping hold her first ever Muskegon river steelhead! Congrats Ella! Welcome to the Steelhead Club!

Good numbers of steelhead are present throughout the river system. With the continued strong flows and a brief warm spell next week should raise the water levels and bring more steelhead up from the lower stretches of the river system.
We have winter fishing dates available during this Christmas and New Year Holiday season. Great way to spend 4 hours of fishing the warmest part of the day with your friends and or family during the Holiday break. Heaters are available in the boat and the steelhead fishing has been strong. Great way to introduce yourself, friends, or family to fish for the most powerful fresh water big game fish in North America! Click here to book a trip!
post by: jon fortuna