First and foremost, Thank You! To the Michigan United Conservation Clubs (mucc.org) who fought for the rights of Fishing Charter Services in Michigan to resume operations as of today, May 7th. The Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) sent two letters to Gov. Whitmer. The first provided language that would allow fishing guides to safely return to work.

As a result of MUCC efforts, It’s my absolute pleasure to introduce my long time friend and client, Kurt from Michigan with what can only be described as one of the most beautiful May steelhead from the Muskegon River pictured above.

Heavy rain along with high stained water has brought several new steelhead up from lower stretches of the river as Kurt soon found out up close and personal.

Some days the stars just align on the Muskegon and it produces days like today! A beautiful warm May day with a fresh push of new steelhead!

Water conditions remain ideal as we head into the last weeks of the steelhead run and give way to the Gray Drake trout season with dry flies. Water levels are on the way down 3400cfs and water temps on the rise hovering around low 50’s.

The anticipated cold spell leading into next week will prolong the steelhead run offering some very good steelhead fishing opportunities in the weeks to come.
post by: jon fortuna
Glad too ok hear you are back on the water! Nice work on the fish.